Dolls Kill

Dolls Kill has always interested me, and I've made a few purchases from them before, but as of the last few months, they have become my ultimate favorite store. 
They carry everything I could ever want to satisfy my many different stylistic needs: 
From my pastel mermaid side to my dark creepy grungy side, to everything between, they've got me covered. (or uncovered, if I wanna be a little more risque)

Halloween is every day to me. I see each new morning (or whenever I wake up) as an opportunity to embody my character (or one I relate myself with) through fashion. Why limit yourself to getting dressed up only once a year? I don't see "Halloween looks" as "costumes." Rather, I see them as creative expressions of myself; I'm not wearing a certain outfit to try to become someone, rather, I am wearing a certain outfit to become more like myself. 

Luckily for me, I'm strange.